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Pages:   56 – 67


Authors:BELOUSOVA Elena Sergeevna, Post-graduate student of the Department «Information Security»;

MAHMOOD Mohammed Shakir, Post-graduate student of the Department «Information Security»;

LYNKOV Leonid Mihailovich, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department «Information Security»;

NASONOVA Natalia Viktorovna, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department «Information Security»

Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus.

Extended Abstract:  Modifications of shielding construction materials based on Portland cement with the addition of powder nanomaterial shungite were developed. Attenuation and re­flection of electromagnetic radiation for obtained materials were studied. Recommen­dations for using are given.


Key words: construction materials, shungite, screening, reflection coefficient, at­tenuation.



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