Publisher Information

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The main aim of electronic edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» is to provide information support for the process of invention and application in the world
of science intensive technologies (mostly nanotechnological products) in construction, communal and housing services, joint areas (industry, power et al.).

The Main Tasks of the Electronic Edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal»:

  1. Providing scientists and specialists from different countries with the opportunity to publish the results of their research and receive information about modern technologies and materials, high-performance equipment in construction, communal and housing services, joint areas (industry, power et al.).
  2. Popularization of achievements of leading scientists, engineers, experts and researchers from different countries.
  3. To provide information support and participate in the events (forums, conferences, symposia, workshops, exhibitions, round tables etc) devoted to nanoindustry and problems of application of nanoindustry in construction and housing and communal services, which are perspective and of great importance

The electronic edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» has been published since 2009 and its periodicity is 6 issues a year.

The subject of the journal’s articles is given in Appendix 2 (chapter «on the observance of publishing ethics by the editors of electronic edition «Nanotechnologies in construction: A scientific internet-journal» and the statement of prevarication absence»).

Every issue of electronic edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» contains the information about advanced materials and technologies which are already in use or are about to appear at the market in the near future. That is of great interest for many

Therefore the edition’s readers and authors are:

  • students, lecturers, post-graduates and people working
    for doctor’s degree;
  •  scientists and specialists of research institutes and nanotechnological centers;
  • heads and specialists of the institutions, organizations
    and factories from the sphere of construction and housing
    and communal services;
  • scientists and specialists of the industries which are
    adjacent to construction;
  • experts of the enterprise-producers manufacturing nanoindustrial output.



ООО «CNT «NanoStroitelstvo»

    •  Member of the PublishersInternational Linking Association, Inc. ( PILA);
  •  Member of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP).

The Electronic Edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» is registered as an independent mass media in the Ministry of Communication and Mass Media of The Russian Federation. (Registration Certificate Эл № ФС77 – 35813 of 31 March 2009 issued
by the Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of
Connection and Mass Communications).

The Electronic Edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» has been included in the list of peer-review journals in which the candidates for Ph.D. and Doctorate degree must publish the main results of their theses.

The electronic edition «Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal» has been included:

  • CA(pt) (USA);
  • DOAJ (Sweden);
  • EBSCO Publishing (USA);
  • ESCI Web of Science (USA);
  • EZB (Germany);
  • ProQuest (USA);
  • CrossRef (USA);
  • ISSN 2075-8545 (France);
  • Readera (Russia);
  • ResearchBib (Japan);
  • ResearchGate (USA);
  • eLIBRARY.RU (Russia);
  • OAJI (USA)
  • Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (USA) et al. Each paper is assigned DOI.

Editorial Council, Editorial Board and the editorial staff second the politics aimed at observance of ethical publishing principles and recognize that keeping track of observance of ethical publishing principles is one of the main components in reviewing and publishing activities. The main
ethical principles of article publication and review are
published in the journal (chapter «On the observance
of publishing ethics by the editors of electronic edition
«Nanotechnologies in construction: A scientific internetjournal» and the statement of prevarication absence») and at website

The authors of the published materials are responsible for the reliability of the presented information and utilization of the data which are not to be published avowedly. Theeditors have the right to make corrections. The opinion of the editors can be different from the authors’ opinions, the
materials are published to discuss the up-to-date problems. The editors are not responsible for the content of advertisement.

Any full or partial reprinting of the materials is possible only with editors’ written permission.



Address: Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, Gazetny per., bld. 9, str. 4
Internet: http//


Articles from the journal (article metadata) are available in open access:

  • on the website of the electronic publication «Nanotechnology in construction: scientific online magazine», link –;
  • in the full-text database of open-access scientific journals Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), link –;
  • on the website of the scientific electronic library, link –;
  • in the database of scientific journals Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), link –, next – the journal is searched «Nanotehnologii v Stroitel’stve»;
  • in the database of scientific journals ResearchBib, link –;
  • on the Internet resource of scientists of all scientific disciplines ResearchGate, link –;
  • in the international scientific base Readera –;
  • in other citation systems (databases). That allows scientists and specialists all over the world to study journal’s materials and to use them in their work as well as to cite them.