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Pages:   24 – 38



Authors:  INOZEMTСEV Alexandr Sergeevich, Postgraduate of Department of Binders and Concretes, Test Engineer of Research and Educational Center «Nanotechnology»;

KOROLEV Evgenij Valerjevich, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Director of the Research

and Educational Center «Nanotechnology»

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russian Federation


Extended Abstract:  The paper presents the results of research aimed at development of nanomodified high-strength lightweight concrete for construction. The developed concretes are of low average density and high ultimate compressive strength. It is shown that to produce this type of concrete one need to use hollow glass and aluminosilicate microspheres. To increase the durability of adhesion between cement stone and fine filler the authors offer to use complex nanodimensinal modifier based on iron hydroxide sol and silica sol as a surface nanomodifier for hollow microspheres. It is hypothesized that the proposed modifier has complex effect on the activity of the cement hydration and, at the same time increases bond strength between filler and cement-mineral matrix. The compositions for energy-efficient nanomodified high-strength lightweight concrete which density is 1300…1500 kg/m³ and compressive strength is 40…65 MPa have been developed. The approaches to the design of high-strength lightweight concrete with density of less than 2000 kg/m³ are formulated. It is noted that the proposed concretes possess dense homogeneous structure and moderate mobility. Thus, they allow processing by vibration during production. The economic and practical implications for realization of high-strength lightweight concrete in industrial production have been justified.


Key words: high-strength lightweight concrete, energy efficient concrete, light­weight concrete for construction.


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