Pages: 28-57
UDC 69.001.5
The new technology for manufacturing polymer Nanopowder. Part 2
Authors: Gryaznov Igor Vasilevich, Engineer, Director of the STE Ltd. TARK; Novya, 3a, 43,
Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 51413, e-mail:;
FIGOVSKY Oleg Lvovich, Full Member of European Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member Of REA and RAASN, Editor-in-Chief of Journals SITA (Israel), OCJ and ICMS (USA), Director R&D of INRC Polymate (Israel) and Nanotech Industries, Inc. (USA); Chairman of the UNESCO chair «Green Chemistry»; President of Israel Association of Inventors; Laureate of the Golden Angel Prize, Polymate INRC; P.O.Box 73, Migdal Ha’Emeq, Israel, 10550, e-mail:
Extended Abstract:
The authors studied the problem of pollution by waste polymers. The research is dedicated to the methods of recycling of polymers, in particular PTFE. It was shown that the most environmentally friendly disposal methods with the lowest cost are the methods based on stepwise mechanical dispersion. Technologies and devices based on the principles of abrasive vortex dispersion polymers have been developed and tested. To protect the intellectual property of the author the staff of LLC TARK (Ukraine) and the Science and Technology Center
Polymate (Israel) registered patent «Method and apparatus for manufacturing submicron polymer powder» USA No. 12 / 981.202 of 29.12.2010.
Key words: polymers, waste, polytetrafluoroethylene, recycling, environmental friendliness, abrasive grinding, aerodynamic dispersion, rotary-vortex machine.
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