Pages: 80-95
UDC 66.011
Results of research in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Part 6
Authors: KARPOV Alexey Ivanovich, Ph.D. in Engineering, referent, International Academy of Engineering; Gazetny str., 9, bld. 4, 125009, Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Extended Abstract: To popularize scientific achievements in construction the main results of Russian and foreign scientists’ research are published in the form of abstract. The result of research «Cement composites with additives of multi-layer carbon nanotubes (MLCN)» is a new production technology and optimal compositions for complex nanomodified additives (CNMA). Introduction of such additives in the quantity of 12 mass.% of cement mass provides within 8–12 hours early stripping strength more than 15–40 Mpa, water impermeability more than W20 and frost resistance F60–F700. The technology provides double increase of work performance and metalriging turnover. The difference between the new production technology and the traditional one is that the line of production of chemical additives contains a new unit designed for manufacture of CNMA based on MLCN. The unit consists of precision feeder (the size of dose is 5 g.), ultrasound dispersant with power 4 kW and frequency of operation 22 kHz and turbulent mixer with power 7,5 kW. The developed technology provides precise dose and even distribution of CNMA in mixture. The author developed technical conditions № 5745-111-02069622-2013 for manufacture of CNMA based on MLCN of different refinement purity and dispersiveness for high strength reinforced-concrete blocks used as finishing materials in subway tunnels.
The specialists may be also interested in results of the research «Nanostructured perlite binder and foam concrete based on it» by Miroshnikov E.V., «Constructional steel fiber concretes modified with complex carbon micro- and nanosize additives» by Alatorceva U.V., «Physical and chemical study of nanocomposite template-assembled materials produced with the controlled sol-gel synthesis» by Krekoten’ A.V., «Production and study of nanoparticles of polymer-colloid complexes based on polymers of chloride N,N-diallyl-N,N-dimethylammonio and dodecylsulfate sodium» by Babaeva M.S., «Characteristics of photopolimerization of methacrylates containing modified titanium nanooxide and propertis of the materials based on methacrylates» by Dang Kong Ngia etc.
Published materials can be used by the specialists in their scientific and practical activities in construction, housing and communal services as well as in the joint economical spheres.
Key words: carbon nanotubes, nanosize additives, nanoparticles, titanium nanodioxide, nanostructured binder, nanocomposites materials.
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