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Pages:   27 – 45

UDC 69.001.5

Nanostructured materials, production and application in construction

Authors:  KUDRYAVTSEV Pavel Gennadievich, Professor, D.Sc., Holon Institute of Technology (Israel), Academician of International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences (IESCO) and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), author of 30 inventions and 150 publications, including the monograph «Nanomaterials based on soluble silicates» (with O. Figovsky as a co-author); P.O.Box 73, Migdal Ha’Emeq, Israel, 23100;

FIGOVSKY Oleg L’vovich, full member of European academy of Science, forein member of REA and RAABS, Editor-in-Chief of SITA, OCJ и RPCS, Director of «Nanotech Industries, Inc.», USA, and Director of International nanotechnological R&D Center «Polymate» (Israel), President of IAI, Chairman of the UNESCO chair «Green Chemistry», Golden Angel Prize’s Laureate, Polymate INRC; P.O.Box 73, Migdal Ha’Emeq, Israel, 23100, e-mail:

Extended Abstract:  The paper considers characteristics of water-soluble high module silicate

systems: based on polysilicates of alkali element called liquid glasses and the chains of their transformations from the lowest oligomers into the highest ones with further formation colloid solutions – silica sol. The authors describe the potentialities of the use of such systems as binders or modifying additives to produce different nanostructured silicate polymer concretes. There are examples of prospective application of liquid glass and water solutions of high module silicates in industrial areas and construction. Quantum-chemical calculations of the

structure and properties of tetraphenylarsonium are given and heterogeneity of its functional groups is shown.

Key words: liquid glass, silicate polymer concrete, additives, tetraphenylarsonium, furfuryl alcohol, nanostructure, composite materials, water-soluble silicates, quantum-chemical calculations.



  1. Kudryavtsev P.G., Figovsky О.L. Nanomaterialy na osnove rastvorimyh silikatov [Nanomaterials based on soluble silicates], LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, (2014), 165 с., ISBN 978-3-659-58361-2. (In Russian)
  2. Figovsky O., Beilin D. Advanced Polymer Concretes and Compounds, @ CRC Press, Tailor & Francis Group, (2013), 245 p.
  3. Figovsky O., Kudryavtsev P. Advanced nanomaterials based on soluble silicates, Journal «Scientific Israel – Technological Advantages», Vol.16, No.3, (2014), p. 38–76.
  4. Kudryavtsev P.G., Figovsky О.L. Nanokompozitnye organomineral’nye gibridnye materialy. [Nanocomposite organic and mineral hybrid materials]. Inzenernyj vestnik Dona. 2014. № 2. (In Russian)
  5. Holtje H.-D., Sippl W., Rognan D., Folkers G. Molecular Modeling. Basic Principles and Applications. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, (2008), 318 p.

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