Pages: 60 – 70
Authors:KOROLEV Evgenij Valerjevich, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Director of the Research and Educational Center «Nanotechnology»;
KISELEV Denis Georgievich, postgraduate;
ALBAKASOV Azamat Ilkinovich, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor, Dean of the Department of Architecture and Construction
Extended Abstract: Both computed dependence and theoretical estimation of the variation range for generalized material’s quality criterion are presented. It is shown that first of all realization of nanotechnology should be held in respect to the properties which determine the area of material’s application. As the particular criteria of the material’s quality, it is most appropriate to use the attributes which are closely connected to the intrinsic features of the process or property being analyzed. The technology of sulfur-based binders was the area of application of nanoscale improvement of disperse phases. It was found that sulfur-based binders are chemically resistant materials (according to RU GOST 25246–82**). Fillers nanomodification increases resistance of materials within the predicted range of values.
Key words: technology of nanomodification, generalized quality criterion, sulfur-based binders, sulfur.
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