Pages: 28 – 37
Authors: ABRAMOVSKAYA Irina Romanovna, master student;
AYZENSTADT Arcady Mikhailovich, Doctor of Chemistry;
FROLOVA Maria Arcadievna, Ph.D in Chemistry;
VESHNYAKOVA Ludmila Alexandrovna, Ph.D. student;
TUTYGIN Alexander Sergeevich, senior lecturer
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Extended Abstract: The effect of the composition of silica-rock and basalt composite in a highly dispersed state on its energy characteristics has been investigated. The dependences for the surface energy, the Gibbs energy and the Hamaker constant on the system composition have been obtained.
Key words: composite, highly dispersed material, atomization energy, Hamaker constant, Gibbs energy change.
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