Pages: 107-120
UDC 621.03+67.03
Alternative technology of nanoparticles consolidation in the bulk material
Author: VOLKOV Georgiy Michailovich, Professor of Moscow State University of Mechanical
Engineering; Frunzenskaya nab., 36/2, 100, Moscow, Russia, 119146,
Extended Abstract: Theoretical bases and technological principles of single-stages nanoparticles conso-lidation into bulk material were offered. The theory was implemented
on the model system of carbon-carbon in the process of high-temperature pyrolysis of hydrocar-bons. The bulk carbon nanomaterial with unique technical properties was produced. That made it possible to create engineering products which technical characteristics are higher than the existing level in the world. The proposed theory can be adapted to other gas-phase, liquid phase and secondary crystallization processes to create bulk nanomaterials of another chemical composition with no less unique properties.
Key words: nanoparticles, consolidation, single-stage technology, bulk carbon
nanomaterial, machinery of a new generation.
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