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Pages:   48 – 52




May 12 – 16, 2014, Moscow, the III All-Russian (International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete.Russian Academy of Science, Ministry of Construction, Russian Engineering Academy, Association for Structural Concrete and other public organization take herewith the pleasure of inviting you to attend the 3rd (12) All-Russian Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Conferences of such scale had been held regularly in the former USSR within more man 80 years. The latest one was held in 2005 in the City of Moscow. Reinforced concrete dominates the contemporary Russian market of building materials. This sphere of public economy involves over three thousand industrial enterprises, hundreds of project and design institutes and test laboratories, dozens of university and R&D faculties, two specialized

R&D institutes. Specialists working in the field outnumber one million. The activities of this impressive in size and qualification family of engineers have in recent times been disintegrated. Therefore an extensive discussion is needed for the accumulated problems. We hope that the 3rd All-Russian Conference will raise a comprehensive assembly of researchers and practitioners.

Information support of the III All-Russian (International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete «Concrete and Reinforced Concrete – Glance at Future» are provided by the leading branch mass media. Among them you can find the Scientific Internet-Journal «Nanotechnologies in Construction».


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