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Authors:  IVASYSHIN Henrich Stepanovich, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Academician of Russian Engineering Academy, Head of Pskov Branch of REA, Pskov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Machine Building, The Educational and Research Center of Innovative Tribology; 180000, Pskov, Ploschad’ Lenina, bld. 2; e-mail:

Extended Abstract:  Mathematical and tribophysical models based on the increased accuracy of determining physical and mechanical characteristics of materials and aimed at creation of competitive technologies in the field of quantum mechanics applications are considered. In particular the specialist in mechanics, tribology and transport G.S. Gura [5] regards the problems concerning the nature of friction and materials wearing, fundamentals of tribology in his monograph. «…The modern explanation of the theoretical mechanics is based on the principal statements put forward by I. Newton…». «…I. Newton placed the notions of space, time, force and mass at the heart of his mechanics. There is a logical relation between these principal notions and it is expressed in the fundamental laws of Newton mechanics…». «…However the development of science and engineering caused the appearance of new challenges which cannot be solved within the scientific hypotheses proposed by Newton. First of all, that concerns bounded motion of the body. The important restriction in the explanation of the one of the most important fields of the modern engineering mechanics – friction – is the postulate of the rigid body and constancy of its mass…». «…A.Einstein and many other outstanding scientists paid attention to the incompleteness of Newton’s mechanics, they had doubts in absolutism of some basic notions. The concept of Newton force is also restricted semantically in some interactions in quantum mechanics. In the modern models of solid states it is not enough to represent mechanical interactions using Newton forces. This statement can be soundly refered to mechanical systems with friction…». «For centuries many great brains of the world have studied the phenomenon of friction. It was not occasionally when the prominent Russian scientists D.I. Mendeleev (1834–1907) pointed out that the the subject of solid body friction is complex. Many experiments are needed to discover the friction laws…». G.S. Gura cites prominent tribologists I.V.Kragelskiy (1908–1989) and V.S. Schedrov (1911–1975) who speculated on the problems arising in the studies of friction processes and accompanying wearing. «Still dry friction doesn’t have sound physical explanation. When facing with friction everywhere, an engineer cannot control it, moreover, he also cannot take proper account of it, as for physicist, he doesn’t have sufficient data to provide sound explanation. The reason is that the friction is a more complex collection of many physical phenomena than it is seemed at the first site…». «…The important remark on the friction belongs to the Nobel Prize laureate in physics R.Feynman (1918–1988): it is difficult to obtain high accuracy in quantitative experiments on the friction, up to here the friction hasn’t been analyzed enough, despite of greatimportance of such analyses for mechanics. Rigid bodies don’t exist. All bodies (as it is considered in mechanics) are a conglomerate of the particles strong bounded by the inner cohesive ties of different physical and chemical nature which continuously fill the space in some volume and form solid state with different strength of these ties. When interacting, the materials of these bodies are deformed, the distances between single material particles vary. The conditions to displace some mass on the friction contact without its separation from the body apperar…».


Key words:  nanotechnologies, physical and mechanical properties, materials, fretting, quantum mechanics, material structure, friction control, Poisson’s ratio, Young’s module, shift module, dynamic hardness, relative wear resistance, scientific discovery.


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