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Pages:  42-46

The group of scientists and specialists who worked under direction of professor O.L. Figovsky was awarded with prestigious prize Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award

On the 13th July 2015 the National Academy of Sciences of the USA witnessed the awarding ceremony dedicated to the winners of Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award 2015. The prestigious award was given to American company Nanotech Industries Inc. and Israel company Polymate Ltd. for development and production of non-isocyanate polyurethane and hybrid materials based on them. The work recommended for the decoration was done under direction of O.L. Figovsky, Director for Science and Development in Israel company Polymate Ltd., Academician of European Academy of Science and two Russian Academies – RAE and RAACS, author of more than 500 inventions and more than 20 monographs in the area of Materials & Chemical Engineering, the Editor-In-Chief of several journals, Member of Editorial Board of the electronic edition «NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN CONSTRUCTION: A Scientific Internet Journal».

The Editorial Council, Editorial Board and editorial staff of the electronic edition «NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN CONSTRUCTION: A Scientific Internet Journal» sincerely congratulate O.L. Figovsky and his colleague with the prestigious award and wish them strong health and new creative discoveries and victories.

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