Pages: 126 – 140
Authors: VLASOV Vladimir Alexeevich,Ph.D. in Engineering, Expert, International Academy of Engineering; 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, Gazetny per., block 9, bld.4, e-mail:
Extended Abstract: The invention «Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes (RU 2494961)» can be used in production of modifying additives for construction materials. Dispersion of carbon nanotubes contains, mass %: carbon nanotubes 1–20; surface active agent – sodium chloride of sulfonated derived naphthalene 1–20; fumed silica 5–15; water – the rest. Dispersion can additionally contain ethylene glycol as antifreeze. Dispersion is steady in storage, it is soluble in water, provides increased strength of construction materials. Invention «Building Structures Reinforcement Composition (RU 2493337)» can beused in construction to reinforce concrete, brick and masonry structures. Composition contains glass or basalt roving taken in quantity 90÷100 parts by weight, soaked in polymer binder based on epoxy taken in quantity 0,001÷1,5 parts by weight. This invention provides high resistance to operational load.
Key words: carbon nanotubes, modifying additives, carbon nanostructure, basalt roving.
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