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Pages:  96-114

UDC 66.011

An overview of the results of dissertation research in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Part 2

Author:  KARPOV Alexey Ivanovich, Ph.D. in Engineering, referent, International Academy of Engineering; Gazetny str., 9, bld. 4, 125009, Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Extended Abstract:

To popularize scientific achievements the main results of Russian and foreign scientists’ research are published in the form of abstract. The research «Increasing of concrete strength with carbon nanotubes by means of hydrodynamic cavitation» contains the calculation of prime cost of the main raw components which are necessary to produce fine-grained concrete with strength class B55, that demonstrates the economic efficiency of application of CNT as modifying additive for cement composites. Modification of concrete matrix with CNT leads to higher breaking point of compressive strength and that makes it possible to reduce discharge intensity of cement by the strength unit of the material. In this case introduction of 0,05% initial CNT of binder mass into concrete led to 1,5 times increased strength-to-weight ratio. The amount of saved resources was determined as the cost difference between amount of raw materials which are necessary to produce concrete B55 class of traditional composition and the concrete similar by the class obtained due to introduction of carbon nanomodifier into it. The choice of the cost of 1 gram of multilayer CNT was based on the analysis of commercial offers of Russian and foreign companies that are specilized in manufacture and realization of carbon nanomaterials.

The specialists may be also interested in the research held by Podgorny I.I. «Materials of autoclave hardening with the use of nanostructured modifier based on magnetic rock of acid content», Satjukov А.B. «Nanomodified composite binder for special construction mortars», Hammadi Mustafa Abdul Madzhid Hamid «The method to nanomodify cement concretes with nanomortar», Altynnik N.I. «Aeroconcrete of autoclave hardening with the use of nanostructured modifier», Volkov D.S. «Complex approaches to characterization of nanodiamonds of detonation synthesis and their colloid solutions», Ermolin М.S. «Rectification of nano- and microparticles in rotating spiral frames when analyzing polydispersed samples», Aloviddinov А.D. «Investigation of the structure of mechanical and electrophysical properties of natural fibers modified by nanosize particles», Kiselev D.G. «Nanomodified sulphur binders for building materials of general and special purpose», Emelianov А.I. «Polymer metal-containing nanocomposites based on 1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole», Serchacheva N.S. «Polystyrene suspensions containing nanoparticles of metal oxides», Korotkih D.N. «Increased strength and crack resistance of the structure of modern cement concretes: the problems of material science and technology », Soloviova Т.А. «Efficient cement compositions modified with carbon materials» et al.

Key words: carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials, concrete, nanosize particles, nanomodification, nanotechnologies in construction, nanocomposites, cement stone, nanostructures.



  1. Petrunin S.Yu. Povyshenie prochnosti betona uglerodnymi nanotrubkami s primeneniem

gidrodinamicheskoj kavitacii [Increasing of concrete strength with carbon nanotubes by means of hydrodynamic cavitation]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian)

  1. Podgorny I.I. Materialy avtoklavnogo tverdenija s ispol’zovaniem nanostrukturirovannogo

modifikatora na osnove magmaticheskih porod kislogo sostava [Materials of autoclave hardening with the use of nanostructured modifier based on magnetic rock of acid content]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).

  1. Satjukov A.B. Nanomodificirovannoe kompozicionnoe vjazhushhee dlja special’nyh stroitel’nyh rastvorov [Nanomodified composite binder for special construction mortars]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  2. Hammadi Mustafa Abdul Madzhid Hamid. Metod modificirovanija cementnyh betonov nanorastvorom [The method to nanomodify cement concretes with nanomortar]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  3. Karpov A.I. An overview of the results of dissertation research in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.Part 2. Nanotehnologii v stroitel’stve = Nanotechnologies in Construction. 2015, Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 127-138. DOI: (In Russian).
  4. Volkov D.S. Kompleksnye podhody k harakterizacii nanoalmazov detonacionnogo sinteza i ih kolloidnyh rastvorov [Complex approaches to characterization of nanodiamonds of detonation synthesis and their colloid solutions].Abstract of Ph.D.thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  5. Ermolin M.S. Frakcionirovanie nano- i mikrochastic vo vrashhajushhihsja spiral’nyh kolonkah pri analize polidispersnyh obrazcov [Rectification of nanoand microparticles in rotating spiral frames when analyzing polydispersed samples]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  6. Aloviddinov A.D. Issledovanie struktury mehanicheskih i jelektrofizicheskih svojstv prirodnyh volokon, modificirovannyh nanorazmernymi chasticami [Investigation of the structure of mechanical and electrophysical properties of natural fibers modified by nanosize particles].Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  7. Karpov A.I. An overview of the results of dissertation research in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.Part 1. Nanotehnologii v stroitel’stve = Nanotechnologies in Construction. 2015, Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 107-126. DOI: (In Russian).
  8. Emelianov A.I. Polimernye metallsoderzhashhie nanokompozity na osnove 1-vinil-1,2,4-triazola [Polymer metal-containing nanocomposites based on 1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole].Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  9. Serhacheva N.S. Polistirol’nye suspenzii, soderzhashhie nanochasticy oksidov metallov [Polystyrene suspensions containing nanoparticles of metal oxides]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  10. Korotkih D.N. Povyshenie prochnosti i treshhinostojkosti struktury sovremennyh cementnyh betonov: problemy materialovedenija i tehnologii [Increased strength and crack resistance of the structure of modern cement concretes: the problems of material science and technology]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  11. Soloviova T.A. Jeffektivnye cementnye kompozicii, modificirovannye uglerodnymi materialami [Efficient cement compositions modified with carbon materials]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: http://dslib. net (Date of access: 25.05.2015). (In Russian).
  12. Gusev B.V. Development of nanotechnologies – the most important technological direction in construction. Nanotehnologii v stroitel’stve = Nanotechnologies in Construction. 20115, Vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 6–20).

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