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Pages:   82-103


UDC 66.011

Theses in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials: novelties and practical application. Part 2

Author: KARPOV Alexey Ivanovich, Ph.D. in Engineering, referent, International Academy of

Engineering; Gazetny str., 9, bld. 4, 125009, Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Extended Abstract:

To popularize scientific achievements the main results of Russian and foreign scientists’ research are published in the form of abstract. The authors of the research «Fine-grained basalt fiber concrete with nanosilica» showed that joint introduction of silica and basalt fiber additives into fiber concrete enhances freeze resistance of the concrete from F150 to F200-250. The increase of freeze resistance in addition to damping effect is due to considerable decrease of destructive impact of osmotic pressure of hardening concrete. As a result the number of microcracks and interconnected pores in concrete is minimal. The change of fiber concrete microstrcuture when joint introduction of nanosilica and basalt fiber additives is performed

results in water absorption decrease in concrete. The composition of basalt fiber concrete with nanosilica «Tarkosil-05» demonstrated the best parameters: rise of compressive strength by 35%, bending strength – 65% respect to control composition without additives. The concretes with nanosilica are characterized by high performance properties that proves the creation of dense material structure when nanosilica is introduced and hardening effect of it. The specialists may be also interested in the following research: «Fibro foam concrete based on nanostructured binder», «Increase of concrete strength with carbon nanotubes with hydrodynamic cavitation», «Production of impermeable fibroconcrete based on composite binder», «Production and research of physical and chemical properties of composite sorbents based on polystyrene matrices with nanodispersed ferric oxides», «Polystyrene suspensions containing nanoparticles of metal oxides», «Efficient cement compositions modified with carbon materials», «Research of magnetic dynamics of groups of nanoparticles in environment with the Mössbauer spectroscopy», «Particular features of formation of new quasi-twodimensional nanostructures and their properties», «Study of optical and oscillating properties of carbon nanostructures», «Heat-resistant and flame-retardant fibroreinforced composites with implementation of volcanic rocks», «Development of polymer composite materials based on epoxy binder and functional carbon nanotubes», «Multifunctional composite materials based on polypropylene and nanocarbon fillers obtained by polymerization IN SITU», etc.

Key words: nanotechnologies in construction, basalt fiber concrete with nanosilica, nanostructured binder, carbon nanotubes, polystyrene matrices with nanodispersed ferric oxide, quasi-twodimensional nanostructured, carbon nanostructured, nanocarbon fillers.



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