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Pages:   127-146

UDC 66.011

Theses in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials: novelties and

practical application. Part 1

Author: KARPOV Alexey Ivanovich, Ph.D. in Engineering, Referent, International Academy of Engineering; Gazetny str., 9, bld. 4, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125009, e-mail:

Extended Abstract: To popularize scientific achievements the main results of Russian and foreign scientists’ research are published in the form of abstract. The authors of the research «Nanomodified composite binder for special construction mortars» study how microsize hydrosilicates of barium influence on the hardening time of composite binder. The content of nonsolvent in the barium hydrosilicates synthesis was varied from 60 to 100% from stoichiometric and the content of the additive in the composite binder –from 5 to 40%. The variation of the hardening time has the complex characteristics. Thus introduction of 5% of barium hydrosilicates obtained by precipitation with the use of 100% nonsolvent reduces hardening process insignificantly. If the number of them is increased the rate of hardening is higher. That can be explained in the following way: barium hydrosilicates are the artificially synthesized analogues of the cement stone hydratation products. As their number increases, the distance between separate particles decreases. Therefore synthesized products of hydratation of cement stone interact with silicic acid which is a part of the additive, and the nuclei of calcium hydrosilicates – crystallization centers – form. These conditions favour the acceleration of cement hydratation and increase of hydratation products. That leads to acceleration of crystallizaion process of calcium hydrosilicate and thus to acceleration of hardening time.

The specialists may be also interested in the following research: «Foam concrete with nanostructured modifier», «The development of new types of functional materials based on hybride compounds of titanium dioxide with cellulose», «Synthesis and properties of nanosilica stabilized by ligands», «The influence of hydrate forms of nanosized titanium dioxide produced with sol-gel method on electrorheological and photocatalytical properties of systems based on it», «Deformation and thermal behaviour of structure elements of polymer nanocomposites», «Influence of nanocarbon particles on the structure, mechanical and heat-transfer properties of polymers», «Fine-grained basalt fiber concrete with nanosilica», «Materials of autoclave hardening with the use of nanostructured modifier based on magma rock of acid content», «Composites based on liquid-crystal polymers with end functional groups and inorganic nanoparticles», «Research of structure of mechanical and electrophysical properties of natural fibers modified by nanosized particles», «Organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on oxides of metal and crazing deformed polyolefins», «Nanostructured polyaniline and composite materials based on it » et al.

Key words: nanomodified composite binder, nanostructured modifier, nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanomaterials, nanosized titanium dioxide.



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  1. Sumin А.V. Penogazobeton s nanostrukturirovannym modifikatorom [Foam concrete with nanostructured modifier]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
  2. Galkina О.L. Razrabotka novyh tipov funkcional’nyh nanomaterialov na osnove gibridnyh soedinenij dioksida titana s celljulozoj [The development of new types of functional materials based on hybride compounds of titanium dioxide with cellulose]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
  3. Zakharov V.N. Sintez i svojstva nanokremnija, stabilizirovannogo ligandami [Synthesis and properties of nanosilica stabilized by ligands]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
  4. Karpov A.I. An overview of the results of dissertation research in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Part 2. Nanotehnologii v stroitel’stve = Nanotechnologies in Construction. 2015, Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 127-138. DOI: (In Russian).
  5. Redozubov А.А. Vlijanie sostojanija gidratnyh form nanorazmernogo dioksida titana, poluchennogo zol’-gel’ metodom na jelektroreologicheskie i fotokataliticheskie svojstva sistem na ego osnove [The influence of hydrate forms of nanosized titanium dioxide produced with sol-gel method on electrorheological and photocatalytical properties of systems based on it]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
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  7. Aknazarova Sh.I. Vlijanie nanouglerodnyh chastic na strukturu, mehanicheskie i teplofizicheskie svojstva polimerov [Influence of nanocarbon particles on the structure, mechanical and heat-transfer properties of polymers].Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
  8. Rozina V.Е. Melkozernistyj bazal’tofibrobeton s nanokremnezemom [Fine-grained basalt fiber concrete with nanosilica]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
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  10. Derikov Ya.I. Kompozity na osnove zhidkokristallicheskih polimerov s koncevymi funkcional’nymi gruppami i neorganicheskih nanochastic: Avtoref. dis. kand. him. nauk. – Jelektronnaja biblioteka dissertacij [Composites based on liquid-crystal polymers with end functional groups and inorganic nanoparticles]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
  11. Aloviddinov А.D. Issledovanie struktury mehanicheskih i jelektrofizicheskih svojstv prirodnyh volokon, modificirovannyh nanorazmernymi chasticami [Research of structure of mechanical and electrophysical properties of natural fibers modified by nanosized particles]. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
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  14. Sapurina I.Yu. Nanostrukturirovannyj polianilin i kompozicionnye materialy na ego osnove [Nanostructured polyaniline and composite materials based on it]. Abstract of Doctorate thesis. Electronic library of theses. Available at: (date of access: 14.01.2016).
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8. Karpov A.I. Results of research in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Part 5. Nanotehnologii v stroitel’stve = Nanotechnologies in Construction. 2014, Vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 68–85. DOI: (In Russian).

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