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Pages:   97-110

UDC 691-492; 691.223; 691.213.2

Comprehensive approach to the assessment of nanosized fractions of polydisperse systems of crushed rocks

Author: DANILOV Victor Evgenyevich, Postgraduate student, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Department of Composite Materials and Engineering Ecology; Northern Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002;;

Author: AYZENSTADT Arcady Mikhailovich, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Honored Worker

of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Head of Composite Materials and Engineering

Ecology Department, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Department of Composite Materials and Engineering Ecology; Northern Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002;

Extended Abstract:

The results of size determination for mechanically dispersed rock (polymineral sand, basalt) based on methods of dynamic light scattering, gas (nitrogen) sorption and electron microscopy were comparatively analyzed. The experimental samples are obtained by mechanical dispersion of raw materials on the planetary and colloidal grinding mills. There is a high correlation in the obtained experimental results. Method of dynamic light scattering makes it possible to analyze dimensional characteristics of polydispersed systems with high amount of nano- and submicron particles with sufficient sedimentation stability in the dispersion medium. Characteristics of particles size calculated by the specific surface area of the studied systems’ consider the content of the micro-size fraction. The effective diameter of the particles was proposed as the characteristics of their morphological structure. The calculation of the effective diameter is based on the particle mass.

Key words: rocks, polymineral sand, basalt, mechanical dispersing, dynamic light scattering, gas sorption, electron microscopy, particle size, specific surface area, effective diameter.



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